Archive for the 'Gear' Category

Purple Rain

December 19, 2007

Lately it’s been raining epics. Not literally, of course; that would be ridiculous. However, since my last post I’ve gotten my hands on the following new gear:

(Yes, some of those epics are replacing other epics in the same slot; Svirven is living large)

So, what happened in the last month? First and foremost, I joined up with a new guild and started doing Karazhan and heroics again on a regular basis. I’m very happy with that. Also, I’ve been in a few heroic PUGs that actually worked. They do happen from time to time, it seems. All in all I’m pleased with the gear improvements. More Badges of Justice and the Tier 4 gloves and helmet from Karazhan are next on my shopping list. You’ll be the first to know.