Archive for the 'Netherwing' Category

Flying in style, part II

October 29, 2007

Tonight I hit exalted with the Netherwing faction. After standing face to face with Illidan himself and riding back to Shattrath on a Netherwing dragon, I could finally pick up my new mount. Behold the Onyx Netherwing Drake in all its awe-inspiring, uhm, awesomeness:

Onyx Netherwing Drake

Working on the Netherwing faction has taken up most of my gaming time lately. So, after hitting exalted, what’s next? I’ll probably work on getting my cooking skill up (more on that in a later post). Also, I’ll start doing more heroics for the Primal Nethers. I’ll hopefully be back in Karazhan soon as well.

Shake your booterang

October 18, 2007

“The Booterang: A Cure For The Common Worthless Peon” is definitely one of the funnier daily quests on Netherwing Ledge. It has you flying around the ledge, throwing a boot at peons who have strayed away from working on the crystals. The boot comes flying back, boomerang style (hence the name, get it?). I do wonder about one thing, though: Why are the peons more afraid of the boot than the level 73 elite guards patrolling the area?

Hanging out on Netherwing Ledge

October 16, 2007

For the last couple of days, the Netherwing daily quests have been taking up most of my WoW time. I’ve made it to honored reputation, at which no less than 8 (!) daily quests are available. Blizzard has a nice overview page about the Netherwing rep grind, if you’re interested.

Running around the Netherwing Mines as a skinner is great, by the way. One of the dailies has me bringing back 35 Nethermine Flayer Hides. Other quests require killing these as well, though, which means that they’re often lying about, ripe for the skinning.

Flying in style

October 10, 2007

The other night I finally got my epic flying mount, a Swift Green Windrider to be exact. It has taken me a long, long time to raise the 5200 gold. I even ended up selling five Primal Mights, that I had set aside for the waist and chest pieces of my Primal Intent set. However, it was totally worth it. The riding speed is super nice, of course. Grab a Riding Crop and you’ll be breaking the speed limit like nobody’s business. Also, getting to 300 riding skill means that I can get started with the Netherwing faction daily quests, the point of these being the nether drake flying mount available at exalted reputation.